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Christmas Palm: A beloved tropical palm tree

The Christmas Palm, scientifically known as Adonidia merrillii, is a beloved tropical palm tree cherished for its striking appearance and manageable size. Originating from the Philippines, this palm has become a symbol of tropical elegance in landscapes and gardens worldwide, especially in USDA hardiness zones 10-11.

Physical Characteristics: The Christmas Palm stands out with its slender, smooth trunk reaching 15 to 25 feet in height. Atop this graceful trunk sits a canopy of feathery fronds, each extending up to 6 feet in length. The fronds are a lush green, creating a vibrant contrast against the grayish trunk. The palm typically grows a single trunk, which adds to its neat, upright appearance.

Ornamental Features: One of the most distinctive features of the Christmas Palm is its bright red fruits, which appear in clusters around Christmastime, hence its name. These fruits add a festive touch to the tree’s aesthetic, particularly noticeable during the holiday season.

Growing Conditions: Adonidia merrillii thrives in 6-8 hours of sunlight and prefers well-draining soil. It’s a relatively low-maintenance palm, requiring regular watering, but is tolerant of short dry periods. The palm enjoys warm climates and is not frost-tolerant, making it ideal for tropical and subtropical regions. Master the art of growing and caring for the Christmas Palm.

Christmas Palm,Dwarf Royal Palm, Manila Palm, Adonidia merrillii
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