Western States - Inspiring Garden Ideas for all Gardeners
The Western United States boasts a wide range of climates, landscapes, and gardening opportunities, offering a unique experience for garden enthusiasts. From coastal California to the Rocky Mountains and the arid Southwest, gardeners can explore diverse weather conditions, hardiness zones, seasons, and garden styles.
Hardiness and Climate Zones
The Western US has a unique climate classification system developed by Sunset Magazine called the Sunset Climate Zones. This system divides the Western US into 24 distinct climate zones based on various factors such as temperature, humidity, elevation, and proximity to the ocean. These zones are specifically designed to provide gardeners with more detailed information about the climate in their region, allowing them to make better plant selections for their gardens.
Garden Styles
Western US gardens encompass a variety of styles, from drought-tolerant xeriscaping in the arid Southwest to lush coastal gardens in California. Native plants are often used to create low-maintenance, sustainable landscapes that reflect the region’s unique beauty. Hardscaping and architectural elements, such as pergolas and patios, can provide structure and outdoor living spaces.