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Alternaria Leaf Spot

Alternaria leaf spot, while common, can be managed through a combination of preventive cultural practices, timely detection, and appropriate control measures.

Alternaria brassicae

What is Alternaria Leaf Spot?

Alternaria leaf spot is a common fungal disease caused by various species of the genus Alternaria. This disease affects a wide range of host plants and can lead to significant agricultural losses if left unchecked.

Regions Impacted

The disease is globally distributed, with infections recorded in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Warm, moist conditions favor its spread, making it more common in regions with such climates. However, if conditions are favorable, it can also emerge in greenhouses and other controlled environments.

Host plants

Alternaria leaf spot, caused by fungi in the Alternaria genus, can affect a wide range of host plants. Here are some of the common host plants:

  • Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): One of the most common hosts, especially affected by Alternaria solani leading to early blight.
  • Potato (Solanum tuberosum): Like tomatoes, they can be affected by Alternaria solani.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: This group includes:
  • Cucurbits: This group includes:
  • Lettuce (Lactuca sativa): Can be affected by Alternaria cucumerina and other species.
  • Peppers (Capsicum spp.): Both sweet and chili varieties can be hosts.
  • Eggplants (Solanum melongena): Also susceptible, especially when conditions are favorable for the fungus.
  • Carrots (Daucus carota): They can suffer from leaf blight caused by Alternaria species.
  • Ornamental plants: Various ornamentals can be affected, depending on the specific Alternaria species in the region.
  • Fruits: Including citrus fruits, apples, and bananas can also be impacted by certain Alternaria species leading to black rot or black spot symptoms.

This list is by no means exhaustive, as the Alternaria genus comprises a large number of species, and many have a wide host range. The specific host can sometimes help pinpoint the exact species of Alternaria causing the issue. Always check for the most updated and localized lists for your region.

What Causes Alternaria Leaf Spot?

Alternaria leaf spot is caused by fungi belonging to the genus Alternaria. These fungi are ubiquitous in nature and can be found in the soil, as plant debris, and even in the air as spores. Here’s a closer look at what causes the disease:

  • Fungal Pathogens: The primary culprits of Alternaria leaf spot are various species of the Alternaria fungus. Some of the common species include:
    • Alternaria solani (often responsible for early blight on tomatoes and potatoes)
    • Alternaria alternata (known to infect a broad range of hosts)
    • Alternaria brassicicola and Alternaria brassicae (which target cruciferous plants)
  • Favorable Environmental Conditions: The development and spread of Alternaria leaf spot are highly influenced by specific environmental conditions:
    • Moisture: Extended periods of leaf wetness, due to rain, dew, or irrigation, can promote spore germination and infection.
    • Temperature: Mild to warm temperatures, typically between 20°C and 27°C (68°F to 80°F), are optimal for the growth and spread of Alternaria species.
    • Wind: Wind can carry and disperse the spores of the fungus over short or long distances.
  • Infected Plant Debris: The fungi can survive in infected plant debris left in the field or garden. When conditions become favorable, the spores produced on this debris can cause new infections.
  • Inadequate Crop Rotation: Planting susceptible crops year after year in the same location can lead to a buildup of the fungal pathogens in the soil.
  • Plant Stress: Stressed plants, whether due to nutrient deficiencies, other diseases, or pest damage, can be more susceptible to Alternaria infections.
  • Transmission: Alternaria spores can be spread in several ways:
    • By wind or splashing water.
    • Via contaminated equipment or tools.
    • Through the transfer of infected plant material.

Recognizing the factors that lead to the development of Alternaria leaf spot is the first step in managing the disease effectively. Proper cultural practices, combined with careful monitoring and timely interventions, can reduce the impact of this disease.

What are the Symptoms?

Alternaria leaf spot manifests through a series of distinctive symptoms. Recognizing these symptoms early is crucial for effective management and control of the disease. Here are the typical symptoms of Alternaria leaf spot:

  • Initial Spots: The first signs often appear as small, dark brown or black spots on the leaves. These can sometimes have a yellow halo surrounding them.
  • Spot Enlargement: As the disease progresses, these spots enlarge and can merge together, forming larger, irregularly shaped blotches.
  • Concentric Rings: A defining feature of many Alternaria infections is the appearance of concentric rings within the spots, giving them a ‘target’ or ‘bull’s-eye’ appearance.
  • Yellowing: The tissue surrounding the spots may turn yellow, a condition known as chlorosis.
  • Premature Leaf Drop: Infected leaves, especially if heavily colonized, might drop prematurely, leading to defoliation.
  • Stem and Fruit Lesions: While the leaves are commonly affected, some species of Alternaria can also cause dark, sunken lesions on stems, fruits, or pods.
  • Velvety Spore Production: In conditions of high humidity, the spots or lesions might produce a velvety appearance due to the production of fungal spores.
  • Reduction in Photosynthesis: Extensive leaf infection can reduce photosynthesis, leading to reduced vigor and growth.
  • Stunted Growth: In severe infections, especially in seedlings or young plants, growth can be stunted.
  • Infected Fruits and Pods: In some plants, the fruits or pods can develop dark, sunken spots, reducing the quality and marketability of the produce.

The exact appearance of symptoms can vary based on the host plant, the specific Alternaria species involved, and environmental conditions. Regularly inspecting plants and understanding these common signs can lead to earlier detection and more effective management of Alternaria leaf spot.

How to Control and Prevent Altenaria Leaf Spot?

Controlling and preventing Alternaria leaf spot requires a combination of cultural, biological, and chemical strategies. The fungus thrives under specific conditions, and by disrupting these conditions, you can reduce the risk and severity of outbreaks. Here are some measures to help manage Alternaria leaf spot:

Good Sanitation:

  • Remove Infected Debris: Regularly remove and destroy infected plant material, including fallen leaves and affected fruits. This minimizes the chances of the fungus overwintering and causing new infections.
  • Clean Tools: Disinfect pruning tools and other equipment to prevent spreading the disease.

Proper Watering Techniques:

  • Water at the Base: Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation to water plants at their base. Avoid overhead watering, which can splash spores onto leaves.
  • Morning Watering: If overhead watering is the only option, do it in the morning so that leaves dry out quickly, minimizing fungal growth.

Promote Air Circulation:

  • Proper Spacing: Space plants appropriately to ensure good airflow. Crowded plants retain moisture longer, promoting fungal growth.
  • Prune Regularly: Regular pruning can also improve air circulation, especially in dense, bushy plants.

Crop Rotation:

  • If feasible, practice crop rotation. This is especially crucial in vegetable gardens where Alternaria can affect many crops.

Resistant Varieties:

  • Some plant varieties or cultivars are resistant or less susceptible to Alternaria. If Alternaria is a known issue, choose these when planting.


  • Use organic or synthetic mulches to reduce soil splashing, which can transfer fungal spores to the plant.

Monitor & Act Early:

  • Regularly inspect plants for early signs of Alternaria leaf spot. Early detection and intervention are key to managing outbreaks.


  • Preventative Sprays: Apply fungicides as a preventative measure, especially if the disease was present the previous year.
  • Targeted Treatment: If the disease is identified, use fungicides labeled effective against Alternaria. Follow label directions closely.

Soil Health:

  • Maintain healthy soil with good drainage. Fungi thrive in waterlogged conditions, so ensuring that plants are in well-draining soil can help prevent various fungal diseases.

Avoid Working Wet Plants:

  • Try not to handle or work with plants when they are wet since this can spread the spores.

Treat Seeds and Transplants:

  • If starting from seeds, use only certified disease-free seeds. Consider treating seeds with hot water to eliminate any Alternaria spores before planting. If buying transplants, inspect them for any signs of disease.

Regularly Replace Mulch:

  • If Alternaria has been a problem, consider replacing mulch yearly to reduce the source of spores.

By combining these measures and being diligent about monitoring and early intervention, you can effectively control and prevent Alternaria leaf spot in your garden or farm.

More on Gardenia

While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.

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