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Ochna serrulata (Mickey Mouse Plant)

Mickey Mouse Plant, Bird's Eye Bush, Carnival Bush, Ochna atropurpurea, Diporidium serrulatum

Ochna serrulata, Mickey Mouse Plant, Bird's Eye Bush,  Mediterranean shrubs, Evergreen Shrubs, Yellow flowers,  Red Flowers
Ochna serrulata, Mickey Mouse Plant, Bird's Eye Bush,  Mediterranean shrubs, Evergreen Shrubs, Yellow flowers,  Red Flowers
Ochna serrulata, Mickey Mouse Plant, Bird's Eye Bush,  Mediterranean shrubs, Evergreen Shrubs, Yellow flowers,  Red Flowers

Ochna serrulata (Mickey Mouse Plant) is a slow-growing, semi-evergreen shrub of loose, open habit with elliptical, finely toothed, glossy green leaves, up to 3 in. long (7 cm). The young spring foliage is a beautiful pinkish-bronze, maturing to glossy green. From spring to early summer, fragrant yellow flowers bloom at the branch tips and provide an excellent floral show. Their petals drop quickly, revealing attractive clusters of small fruits suspended below bright red sepals. By early summer, the shrub appears to be covered with red flowers. Green at first, the fruits turn into shiny black berries when mature. The combination of the rounded sepals and black berries, sometimes resemble the face of Mickey Mouse, hence the common name. Attractive to bees, butterflies and birds which eat the fruits, this plant tolerates wind and seaside conditions. It may be grown as a formal or informal hedge or as an interesting specimen plant. An excellent plant to grow if you want to attract birds to your garden.

  • Typically grows up to 4-8 ft. tall (120-240 cm) and 3-4 ft. wide (90-120 cm).
  • A full sun to part shade lover, this plant is best grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils. Tolerates wet and heavy soils as well as dry conditions when planted in shade.
  • Generally pest and disease free.
  • Best to prune lightly after fruiting to stimulate new shoots and keep the plant compact and shapely.
  • Propagate from seed or cuttings.
  • Ochna serrulata is considered to be an invasive weed in some areas, including Australia and New Zealand, primarily as a result of birds consuming the fruit and spreading the seeds in their droppings.
  • Native to South Africa.


Hardiness 9 - 11
Heat Zones 9 - 12
Climate Zones 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, H1, H2
Plant Type Shrubs
Plant Family Ochnaceae
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Height 4' - 8' (120cm - 240cm)
Spread 3' - 4' (90cm - 120cm)
Spacing 36" - 48" (90cm - 120cm)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Average
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Well-Drained
Characteristics Showy, Semi-Evergreen
Attracts Bees, Birds, Butterflies
Garden Uses Beds And Borders, Hedges And Screens
Garden Styles Mediterranean Garden, Coastal Garden
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While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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Hardiness 9 - 11
Heat Zones 9 - 12
Climate Zones 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, H1, H2
Plant Type Shrubs
Plant Family Ochnaceae
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Height 4' - 8' (120cm - 240cm)
Spread 3' - 4' (90cm - 120cm)
Spacing 36" - 48" (90cm - 120cm)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Average
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Well-Drained
Characteristics Showy, Semi-Evergreen
Attracts Bees, Birds, Butterflies
Garden Uses Beds And Borders, Hedges And Screens
Garden Styles Mediterranean Garden, Coastal Garden
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