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Mandevilla boliviensis (White Dipladenia)

White Dipladenia, White Mandevilla, Dipladenia boliviensis, Bolivian dipladenia

AGM Award
Mandevilla boliviensis, White Dipladenia, White Mandevilla, Evergreen Shrub, White Flowers

Mandevilla boliviensis (White Dipladenia) is a woody-stemmed, twining tropical vine with sprays of 3-7 large, white, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 3 in. across (8 cm), with orange-yellow throats. Blooming periodically in summer, the blossoms contrast against the foliage of elliptic, shiny dark green leaves, 4 in. long (10 cm). A favorite of many gardeners.

  • Recipient of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society.
  • Grows up to 3-10 ft. tall (90-300 cm) and 3-6 ft. wide (90-180 cm).
  • Thrives in full sun in moist, well-drained soils. Appreciates some afternoon shade in hot summer areas.
  • Excellent choice for arbors, trellises, pergolas and containers.
  • Virtually disease free. Keep an eye out for whiteflies, spider mites and mealybugs.
  • Pinch to promote shrubby growth. Prune in late winter. Shorten sideshoots to within 3-4 buds of the permanent framework of branches to promote more compact growth and encourage the formation of flower buds.
  • Propagate by seed sown with heat in spring, or root softwood cuttings in late spring or semi-ripe cuttings in summer, with bottom heat.
  • May cause mild stomach upset if eaten, sap may cause skin irritation. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.
  • Native to Bolivia and Ecuador.

Mandevilla: Plant Care and Growing Guide

Unleash the tropical beauty of mandevilla with these easy growing tips!


Hardiness 10 - 11
Heat Zones 1 - 12
Plant Type Climbers
Plant Family Apocynaceae
Genus Mandevilla
Common names Dipladenia, Mandevilla
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late)
Height 3' - 10' (90cm - 3m)
Spread 3' - 6' (90cm - 180cm)
Spacing 36" - 72" (90cm - 180cm)
Maintenance Average
Water Needs Average
Soil Type Loam
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained
Characteristics Plant of Merit, Showy, Evergreen
Garden Uses Arbors, Pergolas, Trellises, Patio And Containers
Garden Styles Mediterranean Garden
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Alternative Plants to Consider

Mandevilla splendens (Shining Mandevilla)
Mandevilla Sun Parasol® Apricot
Mandevilla Sun Parasol® Giant Pink
Mandevilla Summer Romance™ Double Pink
Mandevilla laxa (Chilean Jasmine)
Mandevilla x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’

Recommended Companion Plants

Pelargonium ‘Americana Salmon’ (Zonal Geranium)
Helichrysum petiolare (Licorice Plant)
Euphorbia hypericifolia ‘Diamond Frost’
Lavandula stoechas ‘Anouk’ (Spanish Lavender)

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Mandevilla: Plant Care and Growing Guide
While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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Hardiness 10 - 11
Heat Zones 1 - 12
Plant Type Climbers
Plant Family Apocynaceae
Genus Mandevilla
Common names Dipladenia, Mandevilla
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late)
Height 3' - 10' (90cm - 3m)
Spread 3' - 6' (90cm - 180cm)
Spacing 36" - 72" (90cm - 180cm)
Maintenance Average
Water Needs Average
Soil Type Loam
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained
Characteristics Plant of Merit, Showy, Evergreen
Garden Uses Arbors, Pergolas, Trellises, Patio And Containers
Garden Styles Mediterranean Garden
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