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Latania loddigesii (Blue Latan Palm)

Blue Latan Palm

Latania loddigesii, Blue Latan Palm, Drought tolerant tree, Tropical Plant, Palm Tree, Blue Palm Tree, Blue Palms

Exceptionally beautiful, Latania loddigesii (Blue Latan Palm) is an evergreen palm adorned with a pale gray trunk topped by a gorgeous canopy of very thick, stiff, silvery-blue, fan-shaped leaves with red margins, 8 ft. wide (240 cm). Held aloft on five-foot-long petioles (150 cm), each leaf is covered with pale, wooly tomentum beneath, giving a silvery appearance to the palm. The trunk, 10 in. wide (25 cm), displays a thick, swollen base. Easy to grow, Blue Latan Palm is dioecious, with separate male and female plants. The female inflorescences are followed by brown fruits about 1 in. across (2.5 cm). Slow-growing, Blue Latan Palm is a very tough and adaptable palm that enjoys heat, sun, and dry conditions. It loathes temperatures below 32°F (0°C). It makes a strong and dramatic statement in any landscape. Grow it where its incredibly beautiful canopy can show off – in rows along driveways or as a specimen plant. Well-suited to seaside locations due to its moderate salt tolerance.

  • Grows up to 20-25 ft. tall (6-8 m) and 10-15 ft. wide (3-5 m).
  • Easily grown in well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. When established, it can bear long drought periods.
  • Prune only diseased, damaged, or drying fronds. This palm has a set number of new leaves that can sprout each year and removing fronds will not increase that number.
  • Susceptible to lethal yellowing disease.
  • Propagated by seeds that germinate in about 30 days if fresh and with bottom heat.
  • Native to Mauritius.
  • Top 25 Palm Tree Varieties to Love in Your Garden.


Hardiness 10 - 11
Plant Type Palms - Cycads
Plant Family Arecaceae
Genus Cycas
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Height 20' - 25' (6.1m - 7.6m)
Spread 10' - 15' (3m - 4.6m)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Low
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Well-Drained
Characteristics Showy, Evergreen
Tolerance Drought, Salt
Garden Uses Beds And Borders, Patio And Containers
Garden Styles Coastal Garden, Mediterranean Garden
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Alternative Plants to Consider

Zamia pumila (Coontie)
Roystonea regia (Florida Royal Palm)
Coccothrinax argentata (Florida Silver Palm)
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Paurotis Palm)
Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto)
Dioon spinulosum (Giant Dioon)
While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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Hardiness 10 - 11
Plant Type Palms - Cycads
Plant Family Arecaceae
Genus Cycas
Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Height 20' - 25' (6.1m - 7.6m)
Spread 10' - 15' (3m - 4.6m)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Low
Soil Type Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Acid, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Well-Drained
Characteristics Showy, Evergreen
Tolerance Drought, Salt
Garden Uses Beds And Borders, Patio And Containers
Garden Styles Coastal Garden, Mediterranean Garden
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