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Iris bucharica (Juno Iris)

Juno Iris, Bukhara Iris, Corn Leaf Iris, Horned Iris

Iris bucharica, Juno Iris, Bukhara Iris, Corn Leaf Iris, Horned Iris, spring Iris,Yellow flowers, Yellow iris
Iris bucharica, Juno Iris, Bukhara Iris, Corn Leaf Iris, Horned Iris, spring Iris,Yellow flowers, Yellow iris

Iris bucharica (Juno Iris) is a vigorous bulbous iris with erect stems bearing narrowly lance-shaped, shiny green leaves. The foliage persists until early summer and then dies. In spring, delightfully scented bicolored flowers, up to 2 in. across (5 cm), with white standards and yellow falls are bone at the end of the stems and in each leaf axil. A cheerful bulbous perennial that brings life and color in the rock garden or perennial border.

  • Grows up to 16-18 in. tall (40-45 cm) and 8-12 in. wide (20-30 cm).
  • Easily grown in average, medium moisture, neutral or slightly alkaline, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade but best in full sun. Good soil drainage and hot summertime temperatures are required to prevent the bulbs and fleshy roots from rotting away.
  • Perfect for rock gardens, beds and borders. Spectacular when planted in groups.
  • To be planted in fall, 4 in. deep (10 cm) and 4 in. apart (10 cm).
  • No serious pest or disease issues. Keep an eye out for slugs and snails.
  • Propagate by seed, sown in pots in a cold frame in autumn or spring. Lift and separate bulbs in early autumn.
  • All parts may cause discomfort if ingested. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.
  • Toxic to dogs, toxic to cats, toxic to horses.
  • Native to temperate Central Asia in north-eastern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan around Bukhara

Irises: How to Grow and Care with Success

Want to learn how to grow and care for irises like a pro? Follow these simple steps and enjoy the beauty of these striking plants


Hardiness 5 - 9
Heat Zones 5 - 9
Plant Type Bulbs
Plant Family Iridaceae
Common names Iris
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Mid, Late)
Height 1' - 2' (30cm - 60cm)
Spread 8" - 1' (20cm - 30cm)
Spacing 4" (10cm)
Depth 4" (10cm)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Low, Average
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained, Well-Drained
Characteristics Fragrant, Showy
Garden Uses Beds And Borders
Garden Styles Informal and Cottage, Gravel and Rock Garden
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Recommended Companion Plants

Muscari botryoides ‘Album’ (Pearls of Spain)
Veronica umbrosa ‘Georgia Blue’ (Speedwell)
Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican Hellebore)
Leucojum aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’
While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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Hardiness 5 - 9
Heat Zones 5 - 9
Plant Type Bulbs
Plant Family Iridaceae
Common names Iris
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Mid, Late)
Height 1' - 2' (30cm - 60cm)
Spread 8" - 1' (20cm - 30cm)
Spacing 4" (10cm)
Depth 4" (10cm)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Low, Average
Soil Type Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand
Soil pH Alkaline, Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained, Well-Drained
Characteristics Fragrant, Showy
Garden Uses Beds And Borders
Garden Styles Informal and Cottage, Gravel and Rock Garden
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