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Annona glabra (Pond Apple)

Pond Apple, Custard Apple, Alligator Apple, Monkey Apple

Annona glabra, Pond Apple, Custard Apple, Florida Native Plant, Pond Plant, Salt Tolerant Plant
Annona glabra, Pond Apple, Custard Apple, Florida Native Plant, Pond Plant, Salt Tolerant Plant

Annona glabra (Pond Apple) is a small to medium deciduous tree with a rounded, spreading crown and a short, buttressed trunk. The thick, shiny leaves, 3-6 in. (7-15 cm) are alternate, oblong-elliptical, dark green above and pale beneath, with a prominent midrib. They are aromatic when crushed. Blooming in mid-spring to early summer, the flowers are small, 1 in. across (2.5 cm), short-lived, and rarely noticed. They are pale-yellow to cream with 3 leathery outer petals and 3 smaller inner petals that are bright red to dark crimson within. They are followed by spherical or elongated green fruits, 2-6 in. across (5-15 cm), turning yellow or orange when ripe. Resembling smooth-skinned custard apples, they are edible, but distasteful, and contain numerous seeds. The fruits have been used to make jelly and custard. Pond Apple provides significant food and cover for wildlife. It attracts birds and beetle pollinators and is a major host plant for epiphytic bromeliads and orchids. Pond Apple tolerates regular inundation, salty wind, and salt spray without injury. It can be used as an accent tree in wet or mucky soils or along the edges of ponds and lakes. Native to the United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and West Africa, Pond Apple can be found in swamps, wet forests, sloughs, and sinkholes in rockland hammocks. This species is considered invasive in Australia.

  • Grows up to 15-30 ft. tall (450-900 cm) and 15-20 ft. wide (450-600 cm).
  • Performs best in full sun to light shade in wet to moist, poorly-drained to moderately well-drained organic soils. Tolerates standing water as well as salt.
  • No serious pest or disease issues. The large fruits often litter the ground under the tree.
  • Needs little pruning to develop a strong structure.
  • Propagate by seed or grafting.
  • Native to the United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and West Africa.


Hardiness 10 - 11
Plant Type Trees
Plant Family Annonaceae
Common names Custard Apple
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Mid, Late), Summer (Early)
Height 15' - 30' (4.6m - 9.1m)
Spread 15' - 20' (4.6m - 6.1m)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Average, High
Soil Type Loam, Sand
Soil pH Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained, Moisture Retentive, Poorly Drained
Characteristics Fragrant, Showy, Fruit & Berries
Native Plants United States, Southeast, Florida
Tolerance Salt, Wet Soil
Attracts Birds
Garden Uses Bog Gardens, Ponds And Streams
Garden Styles Coastal Garden
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Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire)
Hibiscus coccineus (Texas Star Hibiscus)
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Ilex cassine (Dahoon)
Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern)
While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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Hardiness 10 - 11
Plant Type Trees
Plant Family Annonaceae
Common names Custard Apple
Exposure Full Sun
Season of Interest Spring (Mid, Late), Summer (Early)
Height 15' - 30' (4.6m - 9.1m)
Spread 15' - 20' (4.6m - 6.1m)
Maintenance Low
Water Needs Average, High
Soil Type Loam, Sand
Soil pH Neutral
Soil Drainage Moist but Well-Drained, Moisture Retentive, Poorly Drained
Characteristics Fragrant, Showy, Fruit & Berries
Native Plants United States, Southeast, Florida
Tolerance Salt, Wet Soil
Attracts Birds
Garden Uses Bog Gardens, Ponds And Streams
Garden Styles Coastal Garden
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