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24 Types of Philodendron to Add Life to Your Home

Philodendrons, including the easy-care Philodendron hederaceum, Philodendron Brasil, and Philodendron gloriosum, are versatile houseplants that bring lush, tropical beauty to any indoor space.

Philodendron verrucosum, Philodendron, Houseplant, House Plant, Evergreen Plant, Tropical Plant

Philodendron, a captivating genus that encompasses several hundred types of philodendron, brings vibrancy and life to any indoor setting. Native to the tropical Americas, these plants have adapted to flourish in the understory of lush rainforests, thriving in warm, humid conditions. This adaptability makes them perfect houseplants, capable of bringing a slice of the tropics into homes worldwide.

All types of philodendrons belong to the arum family (Araceae), along with Zantedeschia (Calla Lily), Caladium (Angel Wing), Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant), or Colocasia (Elephant Ear). With over 450 recognized species, the genus Philodendron is one of the largest in the family. Each species boasts unique characteristics, from the leaf shape and color to growth habits, making them incredibly diverse.

Two Main Types of Philodendron

Philodendrons can be broadly categorized into two main types: climbing (or vining) and non-climbing (or self-heading).

Climbing philodendrons, such as the Heartleaf Philodendron ‘Brasil’ (Philodendron hederaceum), use aerial roots to attach themselves to supports, making them ideal for hanging baskets or training up trellises and walls.

Non-climbing philodendrons, like the Philodendron Xanadu, grow upright and are perfect for adding structure and presence as floor plants or tabletop centerpieces.

Benefits of Growing Philodendron Plants

The benefits of incorporating any type of philodendron into your home extend beyond their aesthetic appeal. They are known for their air-purifying abilities, removing toxins such as formaldehyde from the air, thus improving indoor air quality. Additionally, caring for philodendrons can have therapeutic effects, offering a peaceful and satisfying hobby that connects individuals with nature.

Home Decor

Philodendrons are popularly used in various settings due to their versatility and low maintenance requirements. They are a staple in home decor, often used to soften spaces, add color, and create focal points in living rooms, bedrooms, and offices. Their ability to thrive in a range of lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light, and their forgiving nature when it comes to watering make them suitable for gardeners of all skill levels.

With proper care, Philodendron plants can live for many years, even decades. Their longevity means they can become a lasting part of your home, growing and changing with you over time.

From the striking variegated leaves of the Philodendron ‘Birkin’ to the classic elegance of the Pink Princess Philodendron, this genus offers an incredible diversity of plants. Whether you’re a seasoned plant collector or new to the world of indoor gardening, adding a philodendron to your home will surely enhance your living space and bring you closer to nature.

Caution: All types of Philodendron are toxic to humans and pets if ingested. They contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause mouth and stomach irritation. Contact with the sap may cause skin irritation.

Philodendron Care

Light: Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves. Varieties with variegated leaves may require more light to maintain their unique coloration.

Soil: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix. Philodendrons thrive in rich, organic soil that retains moisture but allows excess water to drain away, preventing waterlogged conditions.

Water: Water your Philodendron when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. These plants prefer evenly moist soil but are forgiving if you occasionally let them dry out. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure your pot has good drainage.

Temperature and Humidity: Keep your Philodendron in a warm environment, ideally between 65°F and 85°F (18°C and 29°C). Protect it from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes, as it is sensitive to cold. Philodendrons enjoy high humidity but can adapt to average household humidity levels. For drier environments, consider using a humidifier or placing the plant on a pebble tray filled with water to increase the surrounding humidity.

Fertilization: Feed your Philodendron with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce feeding in fall and winter when the plant’s growth naturally slows.

Pruning: Regular pruning can help maintain shape and encourage fuller growth. Trim any yellowing or damaged leaves and cut back leggy growth to promote a bushier plant.

Repotting: Repot your Philodendron every 2-3 years or when it becomes root-bound. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one to give the roots room to grow. Spring is the best time to repot as the plant enters its active growth phase.

Philodendron Pests and Diseases

Philodendrons can encounter pests, diseases, and other common problems, especially when grown indoors.


Spider Mites: These tiny pests can be identified by the fine webs they weave on the plant. They cause yellowing or speckled leaves. Increase humidity around the plant and wash it with a strong stream of water. For severe infestations, use insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Mealybugs: These white, cottony pests tend to cluster in leaf axils and under leaves, sucking sap and weakening the plant. Remove with alcohol-dipped cotton swabs or apply neem oil.

Aphids: Small, soft-bodied insects that can be green, black, brown, or pink, aphids typically feed in groups on the undersides of leaves. Combat them with a gentle spray of water, neem oil, or insecticidal soap to protect the plant’s health and appearance.

Scale insects: Hard or soft-bodied insects that attach themselves to the stems or leaves, causing yellowing and growth stunting. Scrape off with a fingernail or use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Insecticidal soap or neem oil may also be used.


Root rot:  Overwatering is the primary cause, leading to brown, mushy roots and yellowing leaves. Reduce watering, improve drainage, and repot the plant into fresh, well-draining soil. Severely affected roots should be trimmed before repotting.

Leaf spot: Fungal or bacterial infections can cause dark or black spots on leaves, often with a yellow halo. Increase air circulation, avoid wetting leaves when watering, and remove affected leaves. Fungicides or bactericides may be necessary in severe cases.

Philodendron Common Problems

Yellowing Leaves:  Overwatering, poor drainage, or nutrient deficiencies can cause leaves to turn yellow. Adjust watering habits, ensure the pot has adequate drainage, and consider applying a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Leggy Growth or Small Leaves: Insufficient light can lead to stretched stems and smaller than normal leaves. Move the plant to a location with more indirect light.

Loss of Variegation: If variegated Philodendrons revert to solid green, it’s often due to insufficient light. Increase light exposure, but avoid direct sunlight to encourage variegation.

Brown Leaf Tips: Often a sign of low humidity or salt buildup from tap water. Increase humidity around the plant and consider using filtered water or rainwater.

Philodendron Moonlight, Moonlight Philodendron, House Plant, Houseplant, Yellow Philodendron

Philodendron ‘Moonlight’

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Philodendrons Need a Lot of Sun?

Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, so they do not need a lot of direct sun. They thrive in environments where natural light is filtered through curtains or partially shaded areas.

What Is the Disadvantage of Philodendron?

A primary disadvantage of philodendrons is their toxicity; they contain calcium oxalate crystals which can be harmful if ingested by pets or humans, causing irritation and other symptoms.

Are Philodendrons Hard to Care For?

Philodendrons are generally not hard to care for. They are known for being particularly resilient and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of indoor conditions, including low-light environments. Regular watering and indirect light are key to their care.

Is Philodendron an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?

Philodendrons can be both indoor and outdoor plants depending on the climate. In tropical or subtropical regions, they can thrive outdoors year-round. In cooler climates, they are popular as indoor plants due to their adaptability and aesthetic appeal.

Where Is the Best Place to Put a Philodendron?

The best place to put a philodendron indoors is near a window where it can receive bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sun to prevent leaf burn. A spot with consistent warmth and some humidity is ideal.

Can Philodendron Go Outside in Summer?

Yes, philodendrons can be placed outside in the summer in cooler climates, as long as they are in a shaded or partially shaded location to protect them from direct sunlight. They should be brought back indoors before temperatures drop in the fall.

Do Philodendrons Like to Climb or Hang?

Many philodendrons are natural climbers and enjoy climbing on supports like moss poles. There are also trailing varieties that are perfect for hanging baskets. Providing a structure for climbing types or allowing trailing types to hang can mimic their natural growth habits.

How Do You Keep a Philodendron Happy?

To keep a philodendron happy, provide it with bright, indirect sunlight, water it when the top inch of soil is dry, and maintain it in a warm environment with some humidity. Occasional fertilization during the growing season can also promote healthier growth. Ensuring good drainage and avoiding overwatering are crucial to prevent root rot.

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While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.

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