Sierra Shooting Star, Tall Mountain Shooting Star, Sierra Shootingstar, Tall Mountain Shootingstar, Primula jeffreyi
Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Sierra Shooting Star) is a most beautiful herbaceous perennial with large umbels of 3-18 nodding, rose-purple flowers, 1 in. long (2 cm), resembling cyclamen blooms. Each flower has 4-5 swept-back petals and a cluster of prominent dark stamens that appear like wind-blown umbrellas. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the charming blossoms are borne on upright, leafless, flower scapes that rise from a basal rosette of long, rounded leaves. The entire plant usually goes completely dormant and disappears by mid-summer. Native to western North America where it grows in moist mountain meadows, stream or lake margins, bogs, and open coniferous woodlands, Sierra Shooting Star is one of the most beautiful spring wildflowers. A colony of these plants in bloom is a sight to behold. A delightful addition to any garden.
Hardiness |
4 - 9 |
Climate Zones | 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 |
Plant Type | Perennials |
Plant Family | Primulaceae |
Genus | Dodecatheon |
Common names | Shooting Star |
Exposure | Full Sun, Partial Sun |
Season of Interest | Spring (Late), Summer (Early) |
Height | 1' - 2' (30cm - 60cm) |
Spread | 10" - 2' (25cm - 60cm) |
Spacing | 10" - 24" (25cm - 60cm) |
Maintenance | Average |
Water Needs | Average |
Soil Type | Clay, Loam, Sand |
Soil pH | Acid, Neutral |
Soil Drainage | Moist but Well-Drained |
Characteristics | Showy |
Native Plants | United States, California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska |
Tolerance | Clay Soil |
Garden Uses | Beds And Borders, Ponds And Streams, Underplanting Roses And Shrubs |
Garden Styles | Gravel and Rock Garden, Informal and Cottage, Prairie and Meadow |
Hardiness |
4 - 9 |
Climate Zones | 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 |
Plant Type | Perennials |
Plant Family | Primulaceae |
Genus | Dodecatheon |
Common names | Shooting Star |
Exposure | Full Sun, Partial Sun |
Season of Interest | Spring (Late), Summer (Early) |
Height | 1' - 2' (30cm - 60cm) |
Spread | 10" - 2' (25cm - 60cm) |
Spacing | 10" - 24" (25cm - 60cm) |
Maintenance | Average |
Water Needs | Average |
Soil Type | Clay, Loam, Sand |
Soil pH | Acid, Neutral |
Soil Drainage | Moist but Well-Drained |
Characteristics | Showy |
Native Plants | United States, California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska |
Tolerance | Clay Soil |
Garden Uses | Beds And Borders, Ponds And Streams, Underplanting Roses And Shrubs |
Garden Styles | Gravel and Rock Garden, Informal and Cottage, Prairie and Meadow |
How many Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Sierra Shooting Star) do I need for my garden?
Plant | Quantity | |
Dodecatheon jeffreyi (Sierra Shooting Star) | N/A | Buy Plants |
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