Betula, Birches, Betula pendula, Betula utilis, Betula utilis var. jacquemontii, Betula ermanii, Betula dahurica, Betula albosinensis, Betula nigra
Few trees are more spectacular in winter than birches (Betula). Tall, slender, and elegant, they lavishly exhibit their peeling bark in a rich display of stark white, salmon-pink, copper, cinnamon-red, or glistening chestnut brown. A most welcomed sight during the dreary winter months! Birches are also wonderful in the spring and summer as their graceful, airy crowns are draped with catkins, and their small pointed leaves rustle in the slightest breeze. Fall brings glorious golden shades to their foliage before it sheds to the ground. Impervious to cold and wet, easy to grow, low maintenance, and deer resistant, birches are terrific additions to the landscape. Often grown as specimen trees, they look spectacular when planted in groups of three or more.
Birches are shallow-rooted. Therefore, many herbaceous plants may struggle when planted close to their roots.
Grow your birches with plants that create cheerful sceneries and will help you enjoy the winter season in a beautiful new way.
Flowering Bulbs: Plant low-growing bulbs such as Cyclamen coum, Galanthus (Snowdrop), Crocus, Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley), Scilla (Squill), Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite), Erythronium (Dog-tooth Violet), Hyacinthoides (Bluebell) and Narcissi (Daffodil). They will create a flowering carpet and provide eye-catching color to your garden when it is still dormant. Interplant Cyclamen heridifolium (Ivy-Leaved Cyclamen) to enjoy a lovely fall display and create a powerful statement.
European Wild Ginger (Asarum europaeum) is a superb ground cover prized for its glossy, evergreen foliage. The heart-shaped, dark green leaves remain attractive throughout the year. With a compact height of 6 inches (14 cm) and spreading habit of 8-12 inches (20-30 cm), it is an excellent choice for shade gardens.
4 - 8
Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Athyrium filix-femina (Lady Fern) is a vigorous and elegantly beautiful deciduous fern. It forms a large rosette of fresh-green, lacy fronds that can arch gracefully. The stems may exhibit a captivating red hue. Fast-growing and easy to cultivate, it is an ideal choice for filling spaces among shrubs or beneath trees. Native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
4 - 9
Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall
With its unique frond structure, Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern) is an enchanting evergreen fern. The spreading sterile fronds create a graceful mound of finely cut foliage, while the upright fertile fronds add an intriguing vertical element. Low-maintenance and adaptable, it thrives in cool, moist, shaded areas, making it an excellent choice for any garden. Native to Europe, Northeast Asia, and Western North America.
5 - 9
Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Ideal for shady spots and heavy clay soil, Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley) forms a dense groundcover with ease. Blooming in mid to late spring, its sweetly fragrant, white bell-shaped flowers contrast beautifully with lush green foliage. Resistant to deer and rabbits, this low-maintenance plant is also highly toxic.
‘Anny’s Winter Orange’ (Cornus sanguinea) is a standout Bloodtwig Dogwood with impressive vigor and year-round interest. Its mid-green leaves contrast beautifully with pale yellow-orange stems. In summer, it bears clusters of white flowers, followed by dark purple berries. In fall, the foliage turns warm shades before revealing stunning orange and red stems. A must-have for any garden.
4 - 7
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
In early spring, the enchanting Cyclamen coum (Persian Violet) adds a burst of color and charm to the garden. Its heart-shaped glossy leaves are accompanied by a profusion of small, vibrant flowers in shades ranging from white to rosy-purple. With their abundant blooms and decorative foliage, they create a delightful display that is sure to captivate.
In the late-season garden, the enchanting Cyclamen hederifolium emerges with a burst of color. This award-winning perennial delights with nodding flowers in shades of magenta to white, rising above variegated foliage. With its elegant petals and decorative leaves, it creates an almost evergreen ground cover that brings beauty to the garden from late summer to spring.
Renowned for its grace and charm, Dicentra spectabilis (Bleeding Heart) is a delicate herbaceous perennial with arching stems adorned with pendulous pink flowers, resembling hearts with white petals. The blooms gracefully hover above the attractive, soft green, divided foliage. It typically blooms for 4-6 weeks in late spring to early summer. Ideal for shaded borders and woodland gardens.
In late winter, before crocuses emerge, Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite) brings delightful bursts of color to the garden. Its bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers, surrounded by leafy bracts, create a charming display. The rich green foliage, divided into lobes, emerges after the flowers, and the plant goes dormant by late spring.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ is a highly regarded evergreen shrub known for its vibrant foliage. Its glossy dark green leaves, edged with gold and tinged with pink in colder months, create an eye-catching display. However, caution should be exercised as it has been reported to be invasive in natural areas in parts of the eastern United States.
5 - 9
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop) is a charming early spring bulb that brings weeks of beauty to the garden. Its dainty white flowers, with a green spot on each petal, nod gracefully atop slender grayish-green leaves. Slightly fragrant, the foliage emerges before and continues to develop during and after the bloom, fading away neatly in spring.
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ is the ultimate red-flowered Witch Hazel, a sizable deciduous shrub with a spreading form. It thrives in winter, boasting clusters of fragrant, red to copper-red flowers. Each flower exhibits 4 crinkled, ribbon-like petals with claret bases and a purple-red calyx. The broad, oval green leaves transition to stunning shades of yellow, orange, and red come fall.
Hyacinthoides hispanica ‘Excelsior’ is a popular bulbous perennial with glossy strap-shaped leaves and tall stems that bear numerous pendulous bell-shaped flowers in deep purple-blue. Blooming generously in mid to late spring, it is slightly taller than other cultivars. Easy to grow and low maintenance, it multiplies readily, making it a valuable addition to any garden.
Luzula sylvatica, commonly known as Greater Wood Rush, is an evergreen perennial that forms dense clumps of glossy, ribbon-like foliage. It thrives in dry shade gardens and creates a weed-resistant carpet. Although its small brown flowers are not showy, the plant’s ornamental tussocks add beauty to the landscape.
4 - 9
Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo) is a versatile and popular shrub, prized for its red berries and attractive foliage. It features clusters of white flowers in spring, followed by abundant green berries that turn bright red in fall and persist through winter. Its lacy foliage adds to its visual appeal, with purple hues in spring and autumn. A resilient and adaptable plant for various garden settings.
6 - 9
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Spring (Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Renowned for its striking foliage, Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ is a cultivar of mondo grass that forms dense tufts of arching, strap-shaped leaves in a deep purple to nearly black hue. Delicate racemes of pale pinkish-white bell-shaped flowers emerge on dark stems in summer, followed by glossy dark purple berries. Resilient and evergreen, this perennial creates a captivating contrast in the garden.
6 - 11
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’ (Variegated Solomon’s Seal) is a stunning shade-loving perennial with arching stems. It boasts fragrant, vase-shaped, creamy-white flowers with green tips in late spring to early summer. The elegant bright green foliage is adorned with creamy white splashes and turns yellow in fall. This classic beauty is perfect for shady woodland gardens or part-shade to full-shade borders.
Polystichum setiferum, also known as Soft Field Fern, is a captivating evergreen fern with a unique and attractive appearance. Its graceful, willowy fronds form a beautiful rosette, swirling around the center of the plant. The fronds are soft and lance-shaped, creating an inviting texture. With its lush green foliage and cinnamon-brown scales, Soft Field Fern is a striking addition to any garden. Native to Europe.
6 - 8
Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Early, Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall, Winter
Scilla siberica, an early blooming bulbous perennial, showcases vibrant blue, bell-shaped flowers that nod gracefully in early to mid-spring. With 2-5 flowers per stem, its narrow, strap-shaped leaves form a grassy foliage. This easy-to-grow plant naturalizes well, creating a stunning blue carpet when planted in large groups. It reaches a height and width of 3-6 inches (7-15 cm). Hardiness Zones: 2-8.
Mexican Feather Grass (Stipa tenuissima) is a stunning ornamental grass with slender, silvery-green foliage that dances in the breeze, adding elegance to any garden. Its feathery panicles emerge in summer, creating a beautiful display above the foliage. Drought-tolerant and native to the Americas, this perennial grass transitions to a golden brown color in fall, providing year-round interest.
Hardy geraniums are a garden favorite, boasting abundant flowers and lush foliage that adds texture. They are incredibly resilient, resisting pests and diseases, making them low-maintenance. These plants are known for their easy growth, making them a popular choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners.
Aquilegia, also known as Columbine or Granny’s Bonnet, is a superb perennial for any garden. Its delicate, bell-shaped flowers form beautiful clusters, complemented by lacy foliage that emerges early in the year. Blooming abundantly for 4-6 weeks from mid-spring to summer, Columbine bridges the gap between early spring bulbs and the peak of the garden season.
With its charming blooms in shades of pale lavender to red-purple and a silvery reverse, this crocus is an early flowering beauty. Its profuse flowering and natural self-propagation make it an excellent choice for naturalizing. Opening in response to sunlight and light, the calyx-shaped flowers add a delightful touch from late winter to early spring, closing during rainy weather and at night.
Resilient and easy to care for, Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) is a stunning deciduous shrub or small tree that remains largely unaffected by pests. Its captivating beauty shines through when its fragrant and vibrant flowers take center stage, making it a standout choice for any garden.
Heath and heather are popular evergreen shrubs known for their vibrant and colorful blooms. These low-growing plants, belonging to the Ericaceae family, thrive in acidic, well-drained soils and full sun to partial shade. They make excellent ground covers and provide beautiful textures and hues in rock gardens, borders, and containers.
Helleborus, commonly known as Lenten Rose or Christmas Rose, is a delightful perennial that blooms in late winter or early spring, adding much-needed color to the garden. With its nodding flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, or green, and attractive evergreen foliage, it is a resilient and long-lasting plant that thrives in shade or partial shade.
Hosta, beloved for its lush foliage, is a versatile and low-maintenance perennial. With a wide range of leaf colors, shapes, and sizes, Hosta adds texture and elegance to shady areas of the garden. From small, compact varieties to large, dramatic specimens, Hosta plants bring beauty and tranquility to any landscape.
3 - 9
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade
Spring (Mid, Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall
Beloved for their abundant blooms, the beauty of their exquisite flowers, their delightful fragrance, and their bold foliage changing shades over the seasons, peony flowers add a dazzling splash of color in the landscape.
Sun to light dappled shade lovers, birches are easily grown in average, medium to wet soils. They are not fussy about soils and tolerate a wide range of conditions. They like consistently moist soils after planting but will withstand some drought once established. Betula alleghaniensis, Betula dahurica and Betula nigra are excellent choices for damp (but not waterlogged) soils.
Most birches are exceptionally cold-hardy. Betula pendula and Betula papyrifera can be grown in Zone 2. Some are heat tolerant such as Betula nigra.
Birches require little care. If pruning is necessary, prune during the dormant season and avoid pruning in spring when the sap is running.
Birches may be affected by sawflies, aphids, rust, and leaf spot.
Propagate by softwood cuttings or grafting
Birches do not transplant easily. Plant bare-root trees only when small. Pot-grown plants should establish easily as long as they are well watered after planting.
Keeping a Fantastic Birch Bark
To produce a tree with a pretty bark, it is often best to prune off the lower branches when young. This will minimize the branch scars, keeping them relatively small and inconspicuous.
It is important to prune your birch when it is in full leaf (except for the smallest twigs). Cuts made in late winter and spring, as the leaves develop, will cause excessive sap bleeding and weaken the tree.
White-barked trees can have their trunks washed with warm water to remove any excessive algae build-up before the return of winter.
Avoid peeling off bark by hand, as this may damage the tree.
While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources.
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