English Roses, Hybrid Tea Roses, Floribunda Roses, Grandiflora Roses, Miniature Roses, Climbing Roses, Rambling Roses, Shrub Roses, Groundcover Roses
There are many different types of roses. With over 150 species and thousands of hybrids, the rose world is incredibly diverse in form, color, vigor, and fragrance. Some varieties are compact enough to grow in containers on the patio. Others are perfect candidates for the mixed border or for climbing up a wall or a pergola. To help you sort through the differences and pick the right one for your needs, you will find below the most popular types of roses grown today.
Nothing sets off a house like a Climbing Rose in full bloom trained against the walls or draping the porch. Climbing Roses are vigorous shrubs with long, arching, stiff, and thorny stems that are well adapted to training on arches, arbors, obelisks, pillars, fences, trellis, and walls. They produce an abundance of large, single, or clustered, often fragrant flowers. Unlike Rambling Roses, most Climbing Roses usually repeat flower throughout summer and fall. Most bloom two or more times every season: first on old canes and then on the current season’s growth. However, several cultivars bloom continuously throughout the growing season. Climbing Roses require more care and attention than Rambling Roses. They need annual pruning and training.
Rambling Roses are vigorous shrubs with long, arching stems which emerge from the base of the plants and are easy to train on trellises, over archways, and pergolas. They are useful for scrambling through bushes and into trees, covering unsightly objects or large expanses of walls. Rambler Roses are a spectacular sight when in full bloom. They typically produce an abundance of small, often fragrant flowers held in large sprays, sometimes up to 20 blooms per stem. Unlike Climbing Roses, most Rambler Roses bloom once in late spring or early summer for several weeks. They may not repeat flower, but they make up for it with the massive quantities of blooms they produce in their main flush. Their long canes are smothered in roses, forming impressive cascades of colorful blooms. Tough and reliable, Rambling Roses are generally healthy and disease resistant, tolerant of partial shade and poor soils. They require less care and attention than Climbing Roses.
Hardiness |
4 - 10 |
Plant Type | Roses |
Genus | Rosa, Rosa - Grandiflora Rose, Rosa - Floribunda Rose, Rosa - Groundcover Rose, Rosa - Hybrid Tea Rose, Rosa - English Rose, Rosa - Shrub Rose, Rosa - Rambling Rose |
Exposure | Full Sun, Partial Sun |
Season of Interest | Spring (Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall |
Soil Type | Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand |
Soil pH | Acid, Alkaline, Neutral |
Soil Drainage | Moist but Well-Drained, Well-Drained |
Characteristics | Plant of Merit |
Photo courtesy: David Austin Roses (www.davidaustinroses.com)
Hardiness |
4 - 10 |
Plant Type | Roses |
Genus | Rosa, Rosa - Grandiflora Rose, Rosa - Floribunda Rose, Rosa - Groundcover Rose, Rosa - Hybrid Tea Rose, Rosa - English Rose, Rosa - Shrub Rose, Rosa - Rambling Rose |
Exposure | Full Sun, Partial Sun |
Season of Interest | Spring (Late), Summer (Early, Mid, Late), Fall |
Soil Type | Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand |
Soil pH | Acid, Alkaline, Neutral |
Soil Drainage | Moist but Well-Drained, Well-Drained |
Characteristics | Plant of Merit |
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