Rosa - English Rose
An English rose, also known as David Austin roses, is a unique class of roses bred by the British nurseryman David Austin. Starting in the 1960s, Austin aimed to blend the beauty and fragrance of old garden roses with the wider color range and repeat-flowering capability of modern roses.
Size: English roses exhibit a diverse growth habit, ranging from compact varieties suitable for borders to larger, more vigorous types that can be trained as climbers. The size of these roses can vary significantly, from 3 to 7 feet (0.9 to 2 meters) in height, depending on the cultivar.
Flowers: The flowers of English roses are the main attraction. They are large, usually double or full, with many petals, and most varieties are renowned for their complex, delightful fragrances. Colors range across a broad spectrum from soft pastels to vibrant hues. Most English roses are repeat-flowering, providing showy displays from late spring to the first frost in fall.
Hardiness: English roses are quite hardy, typically thriving in USDA zones 5-10, depending on the specific variety.
Uses: In the garden, English roses are versatile and can be used in mixed borders, rose gardens, or large containers. They are loved by pollinators, attracting bees with their fragrant blooms.
The distinguishing feature of English roses is the successful blend of old and new rose characteristics: they offer the beauty, charm, and fragrance of old roses, with the wide color range and continuous blooming habit of modern roses.