Leucojum (Snowflake)
Perhaps almost as useful as Narcissus are snowflakes. Leucojum aestivum, although called ‘Summer Snowflake’, flowers in mid – late spring and then goes dormant during summer. It features softly scented, nodding, bell-shaped flowers with green-tipped tepals, dangling from each long, fairly sturdy flower stem. Flowering in early spring, Leucojum vernum, the “Spring Snowflake”, generally appears at the same time as the snowdrops (Galanthus). Each flower stem usually carries a solitary lightly scented flower, white with green spots on its tepals. Left undisturbed in the same location year after year, they all produce more and more flowers. The soil must be high in nutrients and planting them on time in mid fall is essential to enjoying lots of flowers the following spring.